Lab Members
Filipe Pinto Teixeira, PhD
Principal Investigatoremail: filipe.pinto-teixeira(at)univ-tlse3.frFilipe is interested in sensory neuroscience, in particular how neural circuits develop, and how they compute sensory information to support behavior. Overarching these research topics is his fundamental interest in understanding how neural circuits are modified through evolution to generate novel behaviors.
Filipe did his graduate studies with Hernán López-Schier at the CRG in Barcelona, and a postdoc with Claude Desplan at NYU in NYC and Abu Dhabi.
Filipe has supervised 14 colleagues, including undergrads, PhD students and Postdocs. If you are considering applying for a position in the lab go here.
Outside the lab he dreams of becoming a decent piano player.
Nadia Formicola, PhD
PostdocNadia's interests lie at the interface between RNA biology and neuroscience.
She aims at understanding how tight spatio-temporal control of gene expression exerted by RNA-based mechanisms impacts on neuronal function and connectivity during development.
Nadia did her undergraduate studies at the IBBR-CNR in Napoli and her PhD in the lab of Florence Besse at the iBV in Nice.
Nadia is funded through an FRM Postdoctoral fellowship
In her spare time, Nadia paints, makes pottery and enjoys cooking.
Vicente de Sousa Xavier
PhD studentVicente’s interests are at the crossroads between computational and developmental neuroscience. He is currently focused on how neuronal morphology and connectivity are established during development to support neural circuit function. In the long run, he seeks to understand how neural circuits underlie complex behaviors and adapt to changing environments over a lifetime.
Vicente did his undergrad training in Rita Teodoro’s lab at CEDOC in Lisbon, Portugal.
Vicente is funded through an FCT PhD fellowship
When he is not in the lab, he enjoys playing tennis, the guitar, and chess.
Maha Tabet
PhD studentMaha is interested in neuroscience and developmental biology. She is focusing on how retinotopic maps are built during development. She aspires to have a better understanding on circuit formation in order to understand the origins of neurodevelopmental diseases. She has previously worked at the American University of Beirut in Beirut, Lebanon on projects that focused on finding potential treatments for traumatic brain injury.
Maha is funded through an University Paul Sabatier BSB PhD fellowship and a FRM PhD fellowship.
Outside the lab, Maha enjoys writing poetry, drawing, and reading.
Yannick Carrier
Researcher/Lab managerMore soon....
Laura Quintana Rio
ResearcherMore soon....
Lula, the cat
Feline grant writting assistantLula is interested in the escape response to visual looming stimuli in Musca domestica and other household insects. She is passionate about naps, tinned fish and potato chips. She provides support during grant and manuscript writing.
Lula works from home.
Jean-Baptiste Forestier, Technician (Ingénieur)
Axel Gosso, M1 Master's student, Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Toulouse University
Swann Atassi, M2 Master's student, Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Toulouse University
Tina Frouin, Bachelor, Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Toulouse University
Margaux Lairesse, Bachelor, Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Toulouse University
Sara Hurpy , M1 Master' student, Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Toulouse University
Mohamed Raad, M2 Master's student, Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Toulouse University
Maëva Wislez , Bachelor, Nîmes University
Lisa Orts , Bachelor, Montpellier University